• C64 – Commando Arcade

    Posted on mayo 25, 2014 by in Commodore 64

    Alucinante señores. Se han currado una modificación del Commando de Commodore 64 y le han metido todo lo que le faltaba de la recreativa original. Immpresionante (es que hoy la cosa va con dos M). La lista no es banal:

    * 5 new levels added. Game now has total of 8 levels like arcade
    * New Barracks, Hangar, Chopper, Level transition, etc. graphics
    * New Level features
    * New glitch-free Sprite multiplexer
    * New Scroller
    * Chopper that drops you onto the battle field and picks you up
    * Level Transition screen animations
    * Score, Lives and Bomb counter fixes
    * Code bug fixes – no more crashes
    * High Scores in attract mode
    * Game Over sequence added
    * Two new Sound modes with new SFX and new tunes by 6R6
    * Loading screen (by STE’86) and Loading tune (by 6R6) added
    * Pause added with Quit option
    * Easyflash version with High Score saver to flash and backup to disk
    * Universal File version that should work on any device
    * IFFL version with REU support
    * PAL and NTSC supported

    Web de descarga

4 Responses so far.

  1. josepzin dice:

    Uouoauooooo :O alucino!! uno de mis favoritos de la época!

  2. Neil Parsons dice:


    Un pero, tengo una configuración Keypad A y Keypad B con el WinVICE y por mucho que pulse Fire siempre estoy eligiendo el tipo de sonido. ¿Dónde se le da para empezar a jugar? Porfaaaaaa…

  3. Neil Parsons dice:

    Naaaa. Ya he encontrado la tecla…